Fender Cyber-Deluxe Amp - Cyber Series

The Cyber-Deluxe is a dream come true for any guitarist. It's got gig-worthy power, tons of high-quality tones and effects, and versatile studio and stage patching capabilities - yet you can fit it in the back seat of your car.

The Cyber-Deluxe amplifier's 16 Amp Collection presets and 16 Custom Shop presets and stored permanently, and another 32 presets are user-rewritable for a total of 64 presets. A complete palette of DSP effects with Mono and Stereo patching capabilities is at your command. The all-analog preamp internally configures itself before or after the tone controls to create real amplifier feel and tones, from Tweed and Blackface, to British and Modern. DSP effects like Delay and Chorus are placed post-distortion in the signal path, while effects like Touch Wah are pre-distortion for unparalleled flexibility.

More than just a scaled-down model, the Cyber-Deluxe is an explosive instrument with a distinctive voice all its own.

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